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News and path updates

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Path Update
Landslide Piercefield Woods
Date alerted:
July 9, 2024
Tintern to Chepstow
There has been a landslide on the Wye Valley Walk following very heavy rainfall. The landslide is in the Piercefield Woods section at The Alcove, close to Chepstow. Diversion signs show the signposted alternate path. A fallen tree is due to be removed asap.‍
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Path Update
Path now fully open on Stage 4
Date alerted:
May 29, 2024
Newbridge-on-Wye to Builth Wells
Good news! The unsafe bridge has been repaired by Powys County Council and the Wye Valley Walk between Newbridge and Builth Wells is now fully open.
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Path Update
Ross on Wye Walking Festival
Date alerted:
September 27, 2024
Fownhope to Ross-on-Wye
Ross-on-Wye Walking Festival takes place 27th to 29th September 2024. With 28 special interest walks it's a fantastic way to find out about this gorgeous area and meet local people. Covering history, wildlife, farming, environment and even cream teas there's a walk for you!
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Path Update
Hay Winter Festival Weekend 2024
Date alerted:
Glasbury to Hay-on-Wye
Hay Winter Festival returns 28th November - 1st December 2024
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Path Update
Hay Festival 23 May- 2June 2024
Date alerted:
May 24, 2023
Hay-on-Wye to Bredwardine
Hay’s annual literature festival, described by Bill Clinton as "The Woodstock of the mind". Hay Festival – Thursday 25 May to Sunday 4 June 2023. Hay Festival – Thursday 25 May to Sunday 4 June 2023
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Path Update
Hardwicke Brook Bridge Reopens
Date alerted:
July 27, 2022
Hay-on-Wye to Bredwardine
Good news as we go into Autumn and Winter, the bridge over the Hardwicke Brook (NE of Hay-on-Wye, SW of Priory Farm at Grid Ref SO 2479 4414) has been replaced and the Wye Valley Walk is now fully open. Thanks to Herefordshire Rights of Way team for their efforts to get this bridge installed.
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Path Update
Reopening of the Wye Valley Walk south of Builth Wells
Date alerted:
August 18, 2023
Builth Wells to Erwood
This section of restricted byway south of Dolfach, BUILTH WELLS LD2 3LZ is now repaired and open for use.
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